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Why Is Cereal Packaged in Rectangular Boxes?

In past days, there was a time when many consumers would only focus on quality when purchasing cereals. However, along with the growth of innovations, they pay more attention to the quality of the packaging as it reflects the quality of cereals inside. In fact, the packaging techniques and styles can change consumers’ perceptions of brands. Moreover, there are some good reasons why cereal is packaged in rectangular boxes. So, let’s discuss this further!

Know the Various Packaging Types to Package Cereals

No doubt, we can find various types of packaging used for cereal. In general, the type of packaging will be depending on the product, the brand, and the purpose.


Let’s know the various packaging types for cereals we can find in the market!

Cardboard Boxes

These are flexible containers for cereals we can see everywhere today. The boxes typically contain a plastic or waxed bag inside. The best part about cardboard boxes is that they can protect the cereals inside from moisture, insects, and physical damage. Far better, cereal brands can display attractive graphics and information on the surfaces of the boxes. Most importantly, brands can also choose recycled materials to produce the boxes.

Plastic Bags

We know that plastic bags are economical. In addition, they can be convenient containers for dry and granular cereals like cornflakes, muesli, or bran flakes. Some cereal brands still use this packaging as plastic bags are very easy to seal and reseal. Moreover, we can also compress these bags to save space.

Packaging That Doubles as a Serving Dish

Imagine packaging that is designed as packaging and as a bowl or cup for eating the cereals. Yes, this one is usually made from plastic or other materials that can hold liquids. Simply put, this packaging can be very convenient for consumers who want to eat cereals outside the home, of course, without needing additional dishes.

Vacuum-Sealed Containers

These options are actually tightly sealed containers that create a vacuum inside. This way, these containers work very well in preventing any air or moisture from entering the cereals inside. Better than that, they can preserve the freshness and quality of the cereals. Plus, vacuum-sealed containers can resist crushing impacts and display the cereal products clearly.

Why Do Brands Use Boxes to Package Cereals?

Generally speaking, brands package their cereals in boxes because boxes are convenient and economical. Even better, customized cereal boxes serve as handy containers for dry and granular foods like cereals.

Here are more reasons why cereals are packaged in boxes!

Better Protection for Cereals

Modern packaging boxes can give better protection for cereals from moisture, insects, rodents, and other contaminants. This means that they can prevent any spoilage that might affect the quality of cereals.

Stackable Feature

When brands use boxes to package their cereals, they can get benefits as boxes can be easily stacked, stored, and transported without taking up too much space. Better yet, boxes will not cause any damage to the cereals inside.

Catch the Attention

The customizable feature of packaging boxes today can help brands to display attractive designs, logos, and colors. Furthermore, cereal brands can also provide useful information that can catch the attention of consumers.

This is where you can use your boxes to convey your brand. Custom boxes make it easy to share relevant information about your cereals.

For example, you can write down all the essential details of your cereals, including:

  • The quality of ingredients you use
  • Your cereals’ calorie and nutritional information
  • What health benefits consumers can get by consuming your delicious cereals

Overall, all these details will surely give consumers peace of mind, knowing that they are getting healthy and delicious cereals of premium quality.

Boxes Are Recyclable

Many packaging suppliers today provide recyclable materials to produce cereal boxes. This means that by using boxes to package cereals, brands can reduce their business’ environmental impact.

What Types of Materials Used for Cereal Boxes?


Mostly, packaging suppliers produce boxes for cereals from a type of cardboard called paperboard. This material is a combination of paper and cardboard.

The main reason to use it is that paperboard is a thick and sturdy material. This means that it will work well in protecting the cereals from moisture, insects, and any physical damage. In addition, the paperboard material is also printable. Thus, cereal brands will get the chance to advertise their cereals and brand, right from their packaging.

In addition, there are some other types of cardboard that most brands prefer to produce in their cereal boxes.

Corrugated Cardboard

In its structure, corrugated cardboard material contains three layers of paper, which are:

  • An inside liner
  • An outside liner
  • Fluting with a ruffled shape that runs between the two

The most excellent thing we should mention about corrugated cardboard is that this material is very strong and durable. Better yet, cereal brands can rely on this material as it can resist crushing impacts. Mostly, corrugated cardboard is famous for shipping boxes. However, this material is also ideal for some cereal brands to use it for packaging their premium or specialty cereal products.


The cardstock material is also known as stock and cardboard. In brief, this material is the type of paper that is thicker and more durable than normal writing and printing paper. However, cardstock is thinner and more flexible than other forms of paperboard. You might have seen this cardstock material for the printing of business cards, invitations, menus, and other similar uses.

Consequently, some cereal boxes are a kind of cardstock. However, we should note that not all cardstock is suitable for packing cereals. Why?

Because boxes for packaging cereals need to have a certain thickness and weight. Moreover, the boxes should also have good compatibility with the cereal inside. Most importantly, brands should use the types of boxes that comply with the food safety standards and regulations of the country they are located.

What Shape Should Cereal Boxes Have?

If you are wandering in the cereal aisle of any store, you might have seen cereals packaged in rectangular boxes. So, why do cereal boxes come in shapes that are rectangular prisms instead of cubes?

Well, the main reason is that rectangular boxes enable more volume of cereals to be placed inside. At the same time, these boxes can also maintain a width acceptable to be gripped by one hand. So, here’s the scoop; the average grip width available to humans is a couple of inches wide. Accordingly, rectangular boxes for cereals conform to this to allow one-handed pouring.

But wait, there are other compelling reasons why brands use rectangular boxes to package their cereals.

Here they are!

They Fit More Efficiently on Shelves

The shape of rectangular prisms can fit more efficiently on shelves and in storage spaces, without leaving any gaps between them. This also means that there will be more space-saving cost-reducing for cereal manufacturers and retailers.

The Boxes Can Display More Information and Graphics

By having boxes in rectangular prisms, brands can display more information and graphics as the boxes offer more space. Eventually, this will surely help cereal brands to attract consumers. Even better, they will be able to communicate all the benefits and features of cereals they are offering.

The Wonderful Features of Boxes in Rectangular Shape

Now that we know the answer to is a cereal box a rectangular prism, let’s discover the wonderful features of boxes in rectangular shape!

Generally speaking, the functionally is the added value of these boxes. Well, it is no wonder why many cereal brands rank these boxes based on their characteristics at the time of release. Furthermore, boxes in a rectangular shape come with some wonderful features that make them perfect for helping cereal brands.

  • Ideal with die-cut window shapes
  • Customizable with embossed or debossed logo
  • Can be polished with gold or silver foiling
  • Compliance to matting and lamination for finishing

How Much Is the Price for Cereal Boxes in a Rectangular Shape?

In general, we must say that the more exclusive a product is, the more expensive the price will be. However, if we are talking about cereal boxes in a rectangular shape, the situation can be just the opposite. In fact, these types of boxes offer your brand maximum benefits at a minimum budget. How is this possible?

First of all, we should mention the use of inexpensive, high-quality, and easily available materials to produce the boxes. Next, another great reason is the ease with which you can adjust the boxes easily. Yes, this means that you can get accurate cereal box dimensions according to your needs. Most importantly, if you purchase the boxes in bulk from packaging suppliers like Instant Custom Boxes, you can expect to get a more competitive price and fantastic discounts.

Final Notes

In brief, we know that brands package their cereals in boxes because boxes are convenient and economical. Even better, customized printed cereal boxes in a rectangular shape serve as handy containers for cereals. In addition, the features and material used make these boxes preferable for many cereal brands. So, yes, we must confidently say that cereal is packaged in rectangular boxes for many good reasons!

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